Thursday, November 3, 2016

THE ENCOUNTER-An Immersive Diversion into Sensory Overload

British dir/playwright Simon McBurney's one act one actor iteractive theatrical experience is not an original inception.  The production relies on sensory overload and an overly ambitious concept.  Disney was an earlier innovator of immersive technology in their "Honey I Shrunk the Kids" theme park film.  Each seat was wired for individual, visceral responses.  "The Encounter" provides headsets for each "guest" with instructions to ensure they're operational for everyone's inward audio & visual interactions.  At times, this proves very clever & eerily effective.  Nonetheless, Disney will inform you it all comes down to storytelling.  The play is at its most charming when its lone performer, Richard Katz, is cajoling & bribing his 2 yr old daughter to go to bed.  She finagles a treat and a bedtime story.  She wields the upper hand while mom is away at a Buddhist retreat  Katz sets the audience up with an instructive, introductory pre-performance.  The driving, true story is the quest of Nat'l Geographic photographer, Loren McIntyre.  McIntyre journeys into the deep recesses of the Amazon.  His mission is to prove the existence of the Mayoruna Tribe whom he claimed rescued him from a near fatal attack by the "Cat" Tribe."  This intriguing story gets lost in translation.  Simon McBurney conceived and directed this tech savvy theatrical immersion.  He beats the audience into madness by fusing everything in an overkill.  There are environmental messages & philosophical queries of merit.  And, there is much to recommend in the creative aural & visual encounter.  However, the blending rendered a madness of mixed messaging that was dense in special effects and obtuse in substance  Although, this may be the show to encounter after drinking the kool-aid.

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