Wednesday, November 16, 2016

British Dir Tomas Leach's doc "Lure" is a Real Gem of a Film

London based doc filmmaker, Tomas Leach's 2nd film "Lure" follows several people hooked into uncovering buried treasured in the Northern Rocky Mtn region.  Forest Fenn, a notorious art dealer  & self-promoter, purportedly left a pirate's bounty in gold & precious stones for the taking by anyone clever enough to decipher his cryptic clues (or lucky enough to stumble upon it.)  Leach's 1st doc "Saul Leiter," (2013) a 20th C NYC photographer.  Leach uncovers the artistic jewels captured by Leiter's lens.  Leach's camera captures Leiter artistic genius & allows his humanity to quietly reveal its many   fascinating layers.  "Lure" has the captivating hook of striking it rich by finding gold.  Regardless, it's the intangible profundities & experiences Leach's magically hidden camera captures from a handful of engrossing treasure hunters.  The beauty of the vast landscape is only one of the many rewards to this resplendent looking & entertaining doc.  While Fenn may or may not have planted an actual treasure chest is moot.  Fenn's shameless self-promotion makes him the least appealing character but his vie for an enduring legacy is universally valued.  Those whose journeys  we're priviliged to join include 2 female friends, both formerly with the police force.  The they joy found in nature & their shared experience outdoors was infectious.  The most colorful character is a former city slicker who gave-up material wealth for the ardors of living off the land.  Still, he is obsessed with outsmarting Fen & everyone to be the first to find the loot.  In contrast, is a middle aged woman whose motives remain somewhat ambigious.  But, it's clear the quest & vast landscape are filling a void.  The most poignant portrait is of a middle aged husband & father undergoing chemo.  He is undeterred in his mission.  His teenage son sojourns with his dad for the camaraderie & to ensure his well-being.  The father is completely convinced he'll solve the mystery & reap the treasure.  He asks Leach (off-camera) "Shall I contact you after I find it."  Seek out this jewel of a film.  Its rewards are priceless.

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