Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Nat'l Historic Soc. LINCOLN & THE JEWS, some of his best friends were...

I visited the Nat'l Historic Soc. yesterday on the 150th anniv. of the assassination of Pres. Abraham Lincoln to see the exhibit "Lincoln & the Jews."  The entrance of the show is a large circular installation with a photo of Lincoln in the center surrounded by concentric circles of Jewish names with his closest friends in the inner sanctum - all 5 of them;  It is pointed out the census of Amer. Jews comprised only .5% of the population.  And, "Many Americans of that time did not know Jews personally, yet Lincoln did." This auspicious intro does not bode for a vast or close kinship between Lincoln and the Jews.  The galleries contain articles from news publications with strong anti-Semitic sentiments, (1860): "Wherever there is a chance for profitable trade, they {Jews} have insuated themselves." "These people {Jews} naturally cowardly are tempted by the immense profits which they realize on their merchandise"  Lincoln's "closest Jewish friend & political ally" was Abraham Jonas. Jonas' photo is captioned "Although Jonas was not an observant Jew, there was no mistaking his Jewish identity."  There is no mistaking that however well intentioned, this exhibit is a manifesto of anti-semitic attitudes in the 19thC.  The major Generals of the Union, McClellan & Grant (the future US Pres.) are documented for their discrimination & vitriolic attitudes to the Jews.  Grant's only regret was expressed in his letter worried his attitudes may hurt him during the pres. election.  It was annotated  3,000 Jews served in the Confederacy & 2,000 Jews served in the Union.  Jonas had sons fighting on both sides (brother v. brother.)  Lincoln abetted the escape of Jonas' son who as a Confederate prisoner. (This would be interesting to explore.)  The $2 Confederate currency has the only Jewish person to ever have appeared on US currency.  There are numerous jaw dropping treasures & relics from the Civil War and letters written by Pres. Lincoln's letters to be seen.  A horrific rendering of the execution of 5 deserters from the Union Army atop their coffins facing the firing squad allows Pres. Lincoln granted the Jewish prisoner the right to meet with a rabbi while the other 4 soldiers met with clergy.  LINCOLN & THE JEWS is an impactful historic exhibit that also felt like an assissination of the Jewish people during this epoch.  

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