Wednesday, April 30, 2014

THE SUBSTANCE OF FIRE smolders with fury @ 2nd Stage

THE SUBSTANCE OF FIRE, by Pulitz. Prize finalist Jon Baitz (Other Desert Cities) is another acrimonious family drama.  The Geldhardt family runs a publishing business that is on the brink of bankruptcy.  Tyrannical patriach, Isaac, is a domineering, unrelenting & unloving father to Sarah, Martin & Aaron.  Only Aaron went into the family business with aspirations of pleasing his father.  Sarah is an actress in LA & Martin lives alone outside NYC, teaching & gardening.  The family is gathered (Sarah just for the day) to try and salvage the company.  It is obvious, except to Isaac that the arcane, didactic books, a majority relating to the Holocaust are what is killing the business.  Isaac is the only family member who escaped the Nazis & immigrated to the  U.S.  Aaron argues the way to save the company is by signing a contemporary novelist to sustain earnings.  The siblings spitfire & Isaac's unrelenting obstinancy renders a stalemate.  Martin remains with his father after his siblings depart  but is rebuffed when asking him to dinner.  Three years later, Isaac is in his NYC apt.  The apt. is in total disarray.  In a frenzy, Martin is straightening the place up & reminds his father a social worker is arriving.  Aaron arranged to have his father evaluated for incompetency.  Martin reminds his father that he is the only person who remains in touch with him.  Isaac taunts, "because he's weaker than the other two."  When the social worker arrives a verbal tango ensues.  Isaac's sanity is questionable but not his ferociousness.  After she departs, a deflated Isaac puts a match to his talisman; a Hitler postcard he's bared like a tattoo on his wrist.  When Martin prepares to leave Isaac  beseeches him to stay.  Baitz's play THE SUBSTANCE OF FIRE is a testament to those who perished in the Holocaust.  It ignites the necessity of strength & resistance for survival and compassion to live fully. "Fury keeps you going but if it burns too long it will turn to ash."

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