Thursday, April 3, 2014

Italian Futurism 1909-44 @ the Guggenh. Reconstructing the World

The Italian Futurism Exhibit is an ambitious show spiraling up the rotunda in chronological order displaying more than 300 multi-media works.  The Italian Futurism  Movement was spear headed by Marinetti with his Manifesto.  Marinetti galvanizes a revitalization of Italy through avante-garde expression in art, design, poetry, performance, etc.  The intent of the Movement is complex although there is a kinetic & powerful energy experienced through what is presented.  The work piqued my curiosity throughout the show.  Fortunately, there are guides sporadically stationed with large orange buttons that read LET'S TALK ART.  I stopped to ask questions of 3 of these enthusiastic and knowledgable people who provided an intellectual discourse on the Movement and its historical framework.  Some of the artists represented were Balla, Pannaggi & Crali.  Look for the colorful, fractured triptych of Mussolini.  I was struck by Crali's oil painting looking down on a soldier leaping to earth "Before the Parachute Opens," and Pannaggi's painting, "Speeding Train," which exude energy & progress.  The Furturism Movement came to a shrieking halt in 1944 with the dictorial rise of Mussolini during WWII.  Marinetti & Mussolini were comrades until there was a parting of the ways.  History is constantly being revised.  Fortunately, art which survives are documents for a testament of the time in which they were created.  I encourage you to take advantage of this exhibit and engage in discourse with those ready & willing to TALK ART.

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