Wednesday, January 8, 2014

"In No Great Hurry 13 Life Lessons" Doc. of Photographer Saul Leiter

Saul Leiter was a gifted photographer/painter who shunted fame.  He passed away in 2012 at age 84.  Mr. Leiter had this to say about his work "I am not carried away by the achievements of Mr. Leiter."  Tomas Leach, a U.K. filmmaker made his 1st full length documentary, filming Mr. Leiter at age 82 inside his jumbled, ramshackle studio/apartment.  Leitner half-heartedly tries to make semblance amidst the hodgepodge of his work & possessions.  Watching & listening to Leitner is a treasure hunt filled with art & humorous tidbits.  This warm hearted doc. shows the artist's keen eye for composition and witticisms.  Leiter is both disarming & inspirational.  His self-deprecation & loving embrace  for life are  infectious.  When touted as a pioneer of color photography, Saul claims "nothing is new and I don't care."  Esteemed for luminous colored compositions of NYC's scenes & people since the 1950's, his photos are painterly abstract images, "I like when I am uncertain with what I see." Rumbling through his possessions or on the streets with a camera, he says "Search for beauty in the nice things in life.  IN NO GREAT HURRY shows us how to appreciate all kinds of things.  With a laugh Leiter says "to know everything is not good."  This doc. film achieves what Leitner intended his photographs to do, "tickle your left ear."      

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