Friday, September 29, 2023

Happiest Place on Earth...The LA ZOO

Disneyland has become synonymous with the phrase the happiest place on earth.  But, saying so doesn't make it so and no, it's not.  If you been to Disneyland then you know that families are going with high expectations and determination to have fun.  Unfortunately, the cost of taking a family of four is exorbitant if not cost prohibitive.  The financial squeeze alone puts pressure on parents to make sure they're going to get their money's worth of entertainment.  Once inside, the long lines (even with timed tickets) make for frustrated kids and their frazzled parents.  And, when not waiting in line, there's the added enticement of snacks and souvenirs to besiege youngsters and waylay their parents.  Sorry - back packs and coolers are not permitted in the park.  There's plenty of lockers to stow your cost saving gear lugged from the cars left in the pricey parking lots.  Not that there's a lack of Disney characters or picturesque photo ops, but good luck not getting jostled or pushed aside by people wanting their chance to make memories.  Add to this is the constant fear of losing sight of one's child in the park.  Meanwhile, when was the last time you took a trip to the LA zoo?  The cost to get in for a family of four is much less than the admission price for one adult at Disneyland.  And, no one is screening strollers or backpacks.  You're welcome to come right on inside after you've left your car in the free parking lot.  Once inside there's lots to see, experience and learn from.  The zoo offers plenty of scheduled talks and have staff at exhibits to answer questions.  And, ample room for strollers and space for kids to move about without being shoved.  The people who came to visit the zoo were are all relaxed and friendly.  Adults and bigger kids were happy to let those smaller viewing space.  As you stroll through you'll find plenty of animals, big and small to visit.  And, numerous exotic animal sounds and smells to take in.  What there isn't is whining, pushing or stressing.  Souvenir shops are in contained stores at the entrance/exit of the zoo and easily circumvented.  You'll find a covered pavilion with live calypso music and space for everyone who wants to dance or relax on chairs under the shade.   Free art projects are available for children to make.  The elephants and giraffes were big attractions.  The monkey's were swinging about or hanging out with their babies.  The elephants and koala bears were big attractions with their own little ones.  The huge gorillas were seemed ambivalent to their adoring fans.  The tiger and leopard were magnificent to watch as they moved stealthily about.  Best of all, the awe on the faces of children and adults alike.  Two hours is plenty of time to spend instead of a whole day but that's more than enough for non-stop enjoyment and wonder while building life time learning and fond  memories.   

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