Saturday, February 17, 2018

British TV Series "The End of the F***Ing World" Is the Best Show Since Breaking Bad by Jonathan Entwistle

The British import "The End of the F***ing World" (EFW)by dir/co-creator Jonathan Entwistle (b UK 1984) and dir/writer Lucy Tcherniak is basically the best thing since "Breaking Bad" (BB) which is saying a hell of a lot.  There's so much to talk about, as in BB, it's too complicated & too clever to capsulate.  The 2 main actors represent an odd pairing of 17 year old outcasts from the same affluent high school:  James (an outstanding Alex Lawther b UK 1995) and Alyssa (a tour-de-force performance by Jessica Barden b UK 1982).  Lawther & Barden are both pros having starred in TV & film.  Barden was in "The Lobster" with Colin Farrell and Lawther was in "The Imitation Game" with Benedict Cumberbatch.  The teens are outcasts in school and coming from seriously dysfunctional families.  Their back stories are revealed in clever increments which explain James' self-proclaimed psychopath personality & desire to kill a human after having killed & decimated numerous animals.  Alyssa's story of abuse & neglect is more upfront.  We see her lecherous step-father make inappropriate overtures as does her mum who remains mum about her husband's actions.  Alyssa's mother has twin infants with her new husband for whom Alyssa shows affection.  However,  Alyssa's anger & alienation is understandable and attributable to her fucked up family who doesn't give a damn except maybe she thinks her father who abandoned them when she was young but continued to send cards for her birthdays may truly care.  James, the more reticent, remote & removed from the social hubbub of school is noticed by Alyssa.  She thinks (as we are often hear both their thoughts) she's found someone she thinks intriguing & could possibly relate.  James is a willing tagalong to Alyssa while he plots to kill her since she's readily available.  The two go on a road trip that's beyond bizarre while being believable & painfully poignant.  We're piqued as to when James will find the opportunity to kill Alyssa or will Alyssa sense something is seriously off with James. The twisted nomadic trip the two take is beyond imagination.   It morphs from an adversarial co-habitation to a heartwarming love story with mishaps, murder and mayhem along the way.  If you're going through withdrawals since BB has gone away, watch EFW.  It's a brilliant, touching mixture of BB, "Freaks & Geaks" and "Bonnie & Clyde" only more demented & tender.  "EFW" is fucking unbelievable.  Don't be a fucking idiot, you've got to watch this series.  Warning:  It is addictive and it will leave you craving another season.

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