Thursday, April 27, 2017

Groundhog Day-Great Movie Dud of a Play

The movie "Groundhog Day" (1993) starring Bill Murray & Andi McDowell has become a comedy classic that is hilarious every time you watch it.  The move from movie to Broadway musical is a bust; a missed opportunity.  Phil the weatherman (Andy Karl) is an obnoxious, pompous asshole that is assigned to cover Groundhog Day in the small town that has become infamous & synanomous with this charade of a holiday.  It's meant as a harbinger for spring & new beginnings but Phil wakes each morning stuck in purgatory in this small, depressing town.  Anita (Rita Hanson) is the unflappable producer who comes with Phil to town from NYC.  She doesn't perceive the dejavu dilemma tormenting Phil.  The town has its fill of eccentric & likeable folks but the jokes fall flat. The musical numbers feel identical & soon forgettable.  The theme song "Small Town, USA,"  "...1 bar, 1 block, 1 bank." stank.  It all seems tired.  There were numerous tedious numbers like "Nancy"; the town's glam girl who never gets the guy for good.  Karl replaced the original lead who won the Olivier for this role but injured himself in previews.  Karl does an admirable job but the clever comedy Murray brought to this curmudgeonly role on screen is overshadowed here by the banal book that drones on & irritates.  In Act 11 Phil has his epiphany on life & joie de vie but the energy for enthusiasm has ebbed.  Not everyone in the audience shared by snarkyness for this sophomoric production.  A high school drama group hooped with laughter.  I'm a fan of the film, but I didn't share the love for "Groundhog Day the Musical."

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