Friday, September 2, 2016

The Film from Down Under "The Light Between Oceans" has an Int'l Stellar Cast of Stars

"The Light Between Oceans" is based on the novel by an Australian author.  It's set just after WWI on a desolate light house island off the coast of a small Australian town.  It is beautifully shot and loaded with an int'l cast of exceptionally talented and good looking stars.  Michael Fassbender, an Irish-German actor, plays Tom, a returning soldier still shell shocked from war & suffering survivor's guilt.  He accepts a post as the light house official essential for securing safe passage & requiring the fastidious logging of weather, sightings. etc.  He's warned of loneliness with the post but Tom stoically accepts as it's solitude he's seeking.  Before being shipped out to the island he dines with a local family.  Their daughter, Isabelle played by the captivating Swedish actress Alicia Vikander strikes up a flirtation & connection with Tom.  This leads to a florid of letters leading to marriage & wedded bliss.  Their love story is idyllic & infectious.  Sadly, their happines is shattered by Isabelle's two consecutive miscarriages.  "With the ocean, anything is possible." Miarculously, a rowboat washes up on their island. Inside they find a deceased male and a beautiful bawling baby.  Tom tells his wife he's required to report everything to the authorities but his authority yields to his wife's overwhelming love for the baby girl.  It was known onshore Isabelle was expecting and they fraudulently maintain the infant is their child.  Both parents love & care for the girl and their family would be perfect but for Tom's discovery that the mother of the child, Hannah, the beautiful British actress Rachel Weisz has been in mourning for her husband & child thought lost at sea.  Morality, compassion & lawful obligation all anchor emotional dilemmas.  "The Light Between Oceans" was an illuminating film.  The appeal for this type of love story/family angst film may have a shallow audience.  Between you & me, forgive yourself this guilty pleasure.  Be on the lookout for this first rate production & bring tissues.  You're going to cry an ocean of tears.  

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