Tuesday, August 30, 2016

The Film "Hell or High Water" with Jeff Bridges & Chris Pines Get High Marks

"Hell or High Water" is a contemporary western bank heist movie.  Brothers Toby (Chris Pines) and Tanner (Ben Foster) are the robber band of brothers and the sheriff (Jeff Bridges) & his Depty. play the local law enforcement for the dried out dying TX towns being robbed.  The movie is armed with surprising shots that make for a clean getaway of a good time.  The Scottish film director seems to know the Amer. west - best.  The depictions of gun totting, hard shelled men & women are all tough crackers you don't want to tussle with or underestimate.  Bridges is the wizened Police Chief who is days away from retirement (& dreading it.)  Bridge is the gruff & duly regarded officiando who relishes  insulting his sidekick ruthlessly with understood affection.  The outlaw brother duo & police pardners parrallel each other in their protectiveness of the other and their true grit.  Pines (Toby) is the gentler brother with an ex-wife & 2 sons.   Toby is the mastermind who conspired the armed robberies of small banks altho Foster is the volatile ex-con whose spent hard time in the pen.  Bridges is one of our finest  actors.  It's no surprise he carries off his role as the plodding police chief & he should be rewarded with another Oscar nod.  Pines (the commander of the Enterprise) is a tad too pretty for the part.  Still, his earnest performance is hard to resist.  Ben Foster as Pines' brother Tanner is phenomenal.  Foster ("The Messenger" & "Lone Survivor") is such a skilled actor he morphs into the character and hasn't received the notoriety he so richly deserves.  This car chasing, shoot em up western is a savvy commentary on our gun totting society and its oppressive economic restraints.  The sheriff asks "How does anyone make a living here?"  Tanner tells his bro "Nobody gets away with anything, ever."  "Hell or High Water" made off with a stealthy crowd pleaser.  I give it high marks for cinematography and clever casting .

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