Saturday, March 5, 2016

Terrence Malick's KNIGHT of CUPS stars Christian Bale

Dir/screenwriter Terrence Malick's movies are an acquired taste for which I don't have the palette or patience.   KNIGHT of CUPS is a turgid, pretentious film and a nightmare awash in esoteric, loftiness that sinks in a mucky pool and never comes up for air.  KINGHT of CUPS is so similar to Malick's other film THE TREE of LIFE (Brad Pitt & Jessica Chastain) he could be accused of plagiarizing his own movie.  He is most guilty of is proselytizing on high & mighty themes: good v. evil, love  & abandonment and the essence to the meaning of life.  The cinematography is breath taking but then it becomes too repetitive.  The movie has a sprinkling of A list stars that sparkle in small moments;  Antonio Banderas, Cate Blanchett, Brian Dennehy and Cherry Jones.  But, the movie rests on the shoulders of Bale who falls from grace like Lucifer.  Malick is the demon to blame for this pithy, pompous film.  His tongue in cheek debunking of LA, NYC & Las Vegas are hardly original.  Malick's  heavy handedness with metaphors & imagery make this movie one to avoid (or bale out of as I did.)  Any redemption with Malick's body of work came with THE THIN RED LINE but this time, KNIGHT of CUPS is a fragmented film that doesn't add up to anything tempting.

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