Tuesday, October 20, 2015

BRIDGE of SPIES with Tom Hanks and Mark Rylance Is Worth Seeing

Dir Steven Spielberg colloborates with his male muse, Tom Hanks, to tell a historic, patriotic, biopic, spy thriller.  Hanks is as a phenomenal actor.  He combines the all American good guy qualities & talents of James Stewart, Gary Cooper, Gregory Peck, and George Clooney.  I have high praise for the noble and indomitable credibility Hanks brings to his role as James Donovan, an insurance atty. who is recruited by the C.I.A. to act as a liaison. Donovan is asked, in an unofficial capacity, to negotiate the release of a US pilot shot down over Russia on a reconnaissance mission and sentenced to 10 years in a  Gulag.  Prior, to this "civilian," clandestine & risky assignment, Donovan was tapped to represent Russian spy, Rudolf Abel in our court of law.  Despite his minimal criminal representation or because of it, Donovan is given the thankless task of providing Abel a defense as guaranteed by our Constitution, "the rights of our system of government are the greatest weapon we have to uphold in the world."  Abel is found quilty & given a lengthy sentence but spared the electric chair; thanks to Donovan's defense.  Donovan argues presciently for keeping Abel alive as it may prove useful should our country need to bargain for the return of our citizens.  The screenplay is by Nathan & Joel Coen who add their dark brilliance to this convulted but compelling cat & mouse game of espionage.  Rudolf Abel is played to perfection by Mark Rylance, another actor of exceptional skill.  This movie connects due to fine acting, historic storytelling and its sense of patriotic pride.  As a spy thriller it never quite heats up, but this is a glorious movie worthy of distinction.  

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