Saturday, September 21, 2013

C.O.G. is OMG Awful

The film, C.O.G. is based on a story by award winning author & humorist, David Sedaris, is a horrible mess.  The movie shifts and non to swiftly, from comedy to social commentary to Christian proselytizing.  The movie shares Jaden Smith's philosophy; you become more intelligent by dropping out of school.  Samuel, a.k.a. David (Jonathan Gruff) is traveling cross country by bus with everykind of everyman wacko in the world.  He is told by an ex-con that Christ & religion are the keys for redemption.  Samuel replies, "religions is for people who aren't smart enough to figure out how the world works."  Nothing in this movie works (except the humor on the bus ride from CT to OR.)  Wearing his Yale sweater & looking like a fresh faced preppy, Samuel seeks to take a break between getting his M.S. @ Yale & his Ph.D. by "getting his hands dirty."  So begins his unbelievable journey from aetheist to C.O.G.: Child of God.  Working manual labor he aspires to make himself fit in while maintaing a smug elitism.  He is pursued by a maniacal homosexual rapist and takes shelter with a crazed, born again, wounded vet who says "If you don't believe in anything what's left to believe in." Believe me, this movie is unbelievably terrible.

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