GORGE a sci-fi, action thriller. It starts as a star crossed lover tale of two who were meant to be together. However, the couple must construe how to connect across a mysterious and ominous gorge. Levi (a sexy and appealing Miles Teller) is hired by a cartoonishly evil exec., Bartholomew (Sigourney Weaver) for a year-long secretive mission as a lookout overlooking a gorge which poses an ambiguous threat to the unwitting, western world. Levi was solicited for his stealth with weapons. He's hired for the position by Bartholomew after their interview. Levi was questioned whether he had any family, partner or attachments to which he replied, "no one." After accepting he's transported without any further information to a remote location and told to parachute out. Upon landing, Levi was met by J.D., the only person in this isolated post for the past year as the guard Levi was hired to replace. Elated to have contact with another human after a year long hiatus from society, J.D. happily shows him the ropes and the portentous, seemingly bottomless pit. Levi spots the lookout station on the opposite side of the gorge. J.D. informs him it's someone from the Soviet Block and contact is strictly forbidden. J.D. bids Levi a fond farewell and gets hoisted up to a helicopter that whisks him up and away and then fatally shot at the top. The groundwork has been set for a furtive mission that doesn't bode well for Levi. Well, meanwhile Levi occupies himself for a few days before his curiosity leads him to spy on his counterpart across the way who turns out to be a gorgeous woman. The woman Drasa (a winning Anya Taylor-Joy) is caught watching him watching her. So, they begin an unsanctioned flirtation impressing each other with their expert marksmanship, mastery of chess and various stages of undress. Their courtship was very romantic; two like-minded beautiful people who first get to know each other through a meeting of the minds. "A Fine Romance with No Kisses" won't do so Levi contrives to transport himself over the smokey gorge with ingenuity stemming from desperation. Unfortunately, their appealing love story soon hit a rough patch. Climbing up from the gorge are hideous, mutant creatures whose features resemble grotesque treelike beings not unlike those in HBO's "The Last of Us.". After Levi fell into the crevice combatting cretins, Drasa parachutes in after to save him. After her leap the movie takes a dive downhill quickly. Both Teller and Taylor-Joy are convincing action heroes and captivating on screen. They had me at their hello's to each other via signs held up across the abyss. The two stars were extremely watchable but the movie becomes a big miss once they unite to fight to save the world from destruction. Either pass altogether or only watch the first half of this action flick which soars as a charming handsome guy meets gorgeous girl across a mystic gorge.
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