Tuesday, October 1, 2024

NOBODY WANTS THIS-But I Do Like this Smart Rom/Com-Christin Bell/Adam Brody Star

The title for Netflix's new rom/com series, "Nobody Wants This" is apropos. It goes without saying, I thought this when I first saw the trailers and learned the archaic conflict concerns a Rabbi and a blonde bombshell "shicksa" falling into a forbidden love.  For those old enough to remember the comedy series, "Bridget Loves Bernie", (1972) you'll recall the culture clash between a Jewish family and wealthy Wasp family resonated with wry humor. Bridget and Bernie made the leap into marriage while "Nobody Wants This" is a modern day flirtation and dating parody that is smart, silly, sensual with two consensual adults of different faiths and convictions. Whether this matters today is another matter. Varying values and character traits are a different matter which the two are trying to discover about each other. At least they banter back and forth on serious subjects whenever not engaged in foreplay and whatever else ensues. Noah (Adam Brody) plays the cool Rabbi who just ended a three year relationship after realizing his ex maintained a controlling ownership of him. Joanne (Kristen Bell) is the perky, motormouth who can't help falling for this cute guy who goes eye to eye with her witty repartee. (And, by the way, may be the world's best kisser.) One of Joanne's girlfriends advises her to hang on to him. "A straight, nice guy with a steady job in LA is a unicorn").  If I haven't won you over to this inane non-issue premise of goy meets boy but their love runs astray, perhaps the added interference from a meddling mother, Vina (Tovah Feldshuh) and bubble-head siblings will convince you with their comic flair. Sasha (Timothy Simons) is Noah's brother, he's married with a kid but still a puerile putz. Morgan (Justine Lupe) is Joanne's squabbling sister. Sasha tells her, "You're the loser sibling like me." The sisters are partners in a budding pod-cast about dating they're trying to monetize. Still, both sets of siblings are each other's best friends and biggest nudge. Each slick episode is swiftly paced with banter that makes the "Gilmore Girls" look like geriatrics. Adding quips to the incessant chatter is Ashley (Sherry Cola) friend and business partner to the sisters.  So what's to kvell about? Well, it's LOL and endearing. I'm more sure of what I don't like than what I find appealing. For example, Jewish women are not portrayed in a favorable light. They're portrayed as manipulative and hostile. Joanne's ignorance of basic Judaism feels false. The girl's new-age mother is still in love with their father despite having divorced him because he's gay goes astray. And, Noah acts pitifully about keeping his job as the rabbi very apologetic and wishy-washy with Joanne who seems to have the upper hand. What I can testify to is once you've delved into NOBODY WANTS THIS, this tempting guilty pleasure does deliver the goods for what makes a good rom/com fun. I've done a mitzvah by letting you know this is a show you'll want, even if you didn't think you did. Nu...go figure. 

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