Sunday, September 22, 2024

I'M YOUR MAN-Artificial Intelligence Makes the Perfect Match, Perhaps?

Artificial intelligence, A/I, is a hot topic for our era. There's been a bevy of books and movies that have already brokered the subject. Oftentimes A/I storytelling is from a dystopian vantage, far less often from a utopian perspective and even more rare are stories that present both the pros and cons that may be experienced from A/I. The German language film, I'M YOUR MAN (2021) provides fodder for consideration and intelligent deliberation on how A/I may benefit mankind. The pristine looking film is set in the not too distant future in a major metropolis. It delivers a delightful sci-fi, what if scenario; should technology taking your unique algorithms be used to align one's personality and preferences be utilized to  devise one's perfect partner? Furthermore, would this construct be bliss? The film starts with a prim anthropology prof. getting assigned to cohabitate for three weeks with a male robot and report back her findings. Alma (Maren Eggert) is a driven researcher leading a team trying to decipher an ancient cryptic code. Alma reluctantly agrees to the assignment with an understanding this will lead to her needed funding for her project. Inside a throwback nightclub to the big band era, Alma is taken aback observing numerous couples on the dance floor or sipping martinis while making starry eyes at each other. She's met by an efficient liaison (Sandra Huller "Anatomy of a Fall") who introduces her to Tom (Dan Stevens, "Downton Abby") after receiving a brief explanation and Q&A on how he FULLY functions. Alma makes it known she is against having an A/I as an acceptable companion or sexual partner. I'M YOUR MAN stands far and above your typical robot anthropomorphism film. It handles this concept with intelligence, credibility and charm without being preachy, treacly or judgmental. Its emotional hard drive is centered in human anguish and desire for companionship. There's humor in an odd couple relationship with a roommate that proves too perfect, too helpful or too unflappable.  Joaquin Phoenix fell in love with his computer in the movie HER and spurns his opportunity for a relationship with a live person. Joaquin's connection to HER is felt to be hollow and unfulfilling. Alma runs into her colleague, Dr. Stuber with his assigned A/I. Dr. Stuber tells Alma that he's never been happier and has asked to make this arrangement permanent, "For whatever reason, my pheromones or my appearance, I've never been able to attract a partner despite my perpetual efforts." His beautiful A/I kisses his check and tells him, "You are so worthy of kindness." My Advice Is to spend time watching this thought provoking film. My Additional Idea - try adopting a dog.  

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