Sunday, August 18, 2024

Powerful Doc. DAUGHTERS-Program for Imprisoned Fathers Have Date Night with Daughters Leads to Reduced Recidivism

Unbeknownst to most with no ties to correctional institutions, there's a new program called Date with Dad (DWD) which began in 2008. DWD reunites incarcerated men with their daughters in a social setting inside prisons giving fathers and daughters a chance to enjoy a festive day together. The power of this film available on Netflix, appears in small quiet moments: the men learning to put on ties or craning their heads to scan for their girls and clamorous moments as the girls run to wrap their arms around their dads. The men selected to participate in the program must complete a 10 week long counseling program. The regularly led group therapy sessions allow us to learn something about these men as individuals.  A growing candor and sense of camaraderie among the father's can be discerned. While the filming inside the prison is stark, outside the prison the kaleidoscope shots of the girls are done with an expansive, artistic lens. Some scenes of the girls are in slow motion or neon lighting of active social gatherings or tender mother daughter moments. The contrast between the static life within the prison and kinetic energy outside is obvious. The prison views from within small cell windows look out onto barbed wire fences versus those from within the cozy confines of a home looking through rain spattered windows or girls laughing while getting soaked outside were affecting albeit heavy handed. However, this is not a film to fault, rather it's to be heralded for its humanity, its enlightenment of our penal system and for showing the collateral damage incarceration has on children whose parents are in prison. Before reaching the epilogue updating us on the inmates and their daughters years later, we're witnesses to the excitement as well as trepidations of both the dads and daughters while preparing for their big Date with Dad. The dad's are as giddy and nervous as their daughters. It's fun to watch the girls get primped and pampered for their reunion. The inmates are provided shoes, suits and ties. The men's makeovers from the orange prison suits to business suits is remarkable.  Afterwards, watching the men shedding their impressive garbs as they march back single file to their cells; shoes and ties left behind on the floor is sobering.  Meanwhile, seeing the girls transformation into party dresses and coiffed hair is lovely to behold. The ultimate emotional toll is exacted by bawling and tear stained faces which tear at one's heartstrings during the parent/child reunifications and again at the enforced separations. I was not aware of the Dad with DATE program but it boasts of a 95% reduction in recidivism is unforgettable. Nor, was I aware contact visits are being continuously stripped away. This sensitive and intelligent documentary strikes the powerful emotions of love, remorse and hope. The father's gave their daughter's a promise gift with the promise they would always be there to count on and would be coming home to stay. The way to reduce recidivism is by humanizing rather than demonizing convicts. The most important take-away from DAUGHTERS is the prisoners are not the only ones who pay a penalty. The Date with Dad program must be expanded, family contact visits maintained and DAUGHTERS a film to be watched that shed's light on humanity and compassion.


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