Saturday, May 11, 2024

Incite Insight SRJC Spring Dance Concert 2024

Santa Rosa Junior College's Dance Program is under the direction of Casandra Hillman. Hilllman's philosophy for the school's program is to establish a safe learning environment conducive to focusing on the discipline and art of dance. Hillman along with Tanya Knippelmeir, artistic director of Upside Dance Co., have been co-directing SRJC dance concerts together since 2017. Within the past eight years they have presented 13 performances. Lucky concert #13 last night was a mixed bag of modern dance performances that ranged from hip hop, a Color Guard flag dance, a romantic pas de deus, a solo danced to an orated theological poem, jive, jazz, theatrical and even a dance film with a 007 theme. It was a potpourri of plenty. On the program several works stood out, in particular "Babylon" by student choreographer Bri Holmes. Holmes also did the choreography for the dance film "Nothing to Lose," a sensual homage to James Bond and his vixens. But, "Babylon" exemplified an artistic eye for spatial composition, enhanced movement and musicality. The dance ebbed and flowed with strength and an ephemeral elasticity. Holmes wisely utilized two of the most robust dancers; Angelina Siu and Joshua Smith. Siu's exuberance and connection to the music made her a standout on stage. Her versatility and theatricality were superlative. Smith, one of the few male dancers, was captivating possessing both agility and technical proficiency.  "Ricochet" was another first rate piece choreographed by alumni/guest choreographers Thai Dang and Nika Kozlov. These alum's polished work captured a pulsating rhythm with the dancers that oscillated with electricity.  Again, Aneglina Siu added her artistry and passion to the piece. "Hand in Hand" was a top-rate work reminiscent of Bill T. Jones' aesthetic and also paid homage to Alvin Ailey's famous bird arm formations. Several of the works were choreographed and performed by the students as in "Jive Mania" and "This is Life." The skillful partnering flowed cohesively in both. The audience was invited to cheer boisterously during the dancing which fueled high energy and an infectious fun. Congratulations to the dancers and directors on all the hard work and collaborative creativity that went into this joyous celebration of dance at SRJC.  

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