Friday, December 29, 2023

Puppet Show at the Public Library was very Popular

What to do on a rainy day just after the holiday? I had the bright idea of going to see a puppet show at the Healdsburg Public Library; a free event open to the public. This bright idea on such a dreary day was not unique in any way.  Little did I think, so many other families would have the same idea. Believe it or not, this made for an especially fun, family outing. The large function room inside the entrance had umbrella stands for collecting sopping parasols, preventing the carpet floors from becoming sodden. There were plenty of chairs for adults positioned behind a large, marked off area for children to be seated on the carpet closer to the "castelet", a fancy French word for the theater structure where puppetry is performed.  A librarian kept the traffic flowing into chairs and floor spaces so the program was able to start promptly (a crucial factor in entertaining preschoolers.)  The show did began with a bang. Rusty the floppy dog was quite amusing. Rusty asked "Are you ready for the puppet show?"  He received a rousing yes to which he replied, "Okay, please bring your puppets up so we can begin.  This brought squeals of laughter.  "No one brought any puppets?  Oh no! Well, tell me what they look like?" responded Rusty while flopping upside down. The children who answered sincerely were listened to with rapt attention by Rusty who had one paw supporting his fluffy head.  "Okay, I think I may be able to find some of those down here. Give me a minute.'' Rusty hummed beautifully while the gold sequined curtain billowed on the "castelet".  A ring of Christmas lights graced the top.  "Okay, boys and girls, I think we're ready to begin today's puppet show 'Jack and the Beanstalk:.  Anyone know the story?"  Yes came the gleeful reply from a chorus of children.  Other puppets, all manipulated by hand from under the stage, included Jack, his mom, his kissing cow, the man who sold Jack the beans, a growing beanstalk, a giant and a golden egg laying chicken.  The kissing cow was particularly funny. The puppets came to life through the masterful manipulation and voicing of the friendly looking puppets (even the giant). Of course, the best effects of all  came from the laughter of the children. Furthermore, everyone in the audience was courteous and helpful.  Parents needed an extra hand, or a child needed a spot were forthcoming.  I guesstimate about a total attendance of 100.  I'm also giving this event a score of 100.  Be sure to go online or take a program listing events held that are free to the public and for all ages. I've been taking knitting and crocheting at the library in the evening and I've been enjoying the monthly book club held during the daytime. Your public library is where it's happening. 

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