Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Elliott Erwitt Retrospective at Musee Mailllol in Paris

Elliot Erwitt (b. French 1928) is a French/American documentary photographer known for his black/white photographs that capture humorous and arresting moments that are ironic, hypnotic, electrifying and sobering.  Erwitt's subjects range from the everyman to some of the most historic icons from royalty, heads of state and celebrities.  Erwitt's unforgettable photographs represent zeitgeists of the 20th and 21st centuries.  He captured Nixon's contentious visit with Khruschev to the Soviet Union in 1959, intimate photos of Mrs. Kennedy at JFK's funeral and the inaugurations of Pres. Obama.  The famous Marilyn Monroe photo holding down her billowing skirt was shot by Erwitt as were the photos of the cast from Clark Gable's last film "The Misfits" also starring Monroe and  scenes of the segregated south showing separate drinking fountains and entrances for black and whites in N. Carolina 1950.  Erwitt's Retrospective amasses solemn historic photos along with photos that are suffused with the hilarity and the  sublime.  Many of his beloved photographs are of dogs alongside their owners.  A very personal and touching photo is a black/white shot of his wife looking bemusedly at their infant lying on a bed infused with soft light from an overhead window.  Children are often his muse in photographs.  The photos of pre-adolescents dancing in partners shows the disparity in enjoyment among the pairs.  The most arresting  shot, is of a young black boy holding a pistol to his head with a beaming smile, daring the viewer to register this disturbing enigma.  There is a short video of Erwitt being interviewed and at work.  He tells the interviewing "This is my favorite photo," referring to the boy holding a gun to his temple while smiling.  Erwitt said there was no difference in taking photos of famous people v. ordinary people, "But, photos of famous people bring in more money."  The last scene in this video is a charming parody of his famous shot of a man wearing a beret riding a bicycle with a young boy in back on the bike, looking at the photographer and carrying a long baguette.  "Expo Prolongation Elliott Erwitt retrospective" is an enjoyable, reflective exhibit that will be recalled with fond memories.  Bien Sur - ci vous dan Paris - vous est' tres chance!

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