Saturday, June 24, 2023

I'm Totally on Board with "I'm Totally Fine" Sci-Fi Comedy Starring Natalie Morales

"I’m Totally Fine" is a comedy duo pairing an alien and human.  Its conceit is not nouveau; the beauty of our banal existence on earth is observed with the innocent vantage of a benign ET, who like Dr. Spock is bewildered and somewhat envious.  The trodden exploration of a mere mortal with an interstellar but unworldly alien visiting earth through enigmatic and appreciative eyes needs to explore new territory with some major superpower to cause liftoff.   “I’m Totally Fine” succeeds with help from its two incredibly talented actors whose innovative styles takes us into uncharted territory to reveal rare profundities worth cherishing.  Vanessa (a terrific Jillian Bell) was about to celebrate the successful launch of a beverage company with her partner and life-long, best friend Jennifer (an enchanting Natalie Morales) when Jennifer unexpectedly dies.  Bereft, Vanessa heads to the rental home where she and Jennifer had planned a celebratory bash to process her grief alone.  Soon after she arrives, the caterer appears to set out the food ordered which Jennifer forgot to cancel.  The caterer and Jennifer bicker over the late cancellation giving us a peek at the clever, dark comedy about to unfold.  Jennifer seeks solace by drinking herself into a stupor.  She wakes up with a massive hangover to Vanessa nonchalantly offering her a cup of coffee.  Jennifer has a doubting, double-take convinced she’s lost her mind from grief.  But the doppelgänger for Jennifer talks to her in a stilted, robotic voice and convinces Vanessa she’s not Jennifer but an alien inhabiting her friend's likeness to conduct a study on earthlings.  She assures Vanessa she will not be harmed in any way and adds that participation is completely voluntary.  Vanessa wants to know if this study is to determine whether to take over Earth, to which the alien replies straight faced, “That hasn’t been determined yet.”  Yielding to her apparent breakdown, Vanessa submits to becoming a subject.  Observational humor takes precedence as it's being noted and recorded by the alien who genially agrees to being called Jen.  Boundaries become crossed and absurdities abound as Jen is ubiquitous and forever curious.  Vanessa get's frustrated, confused and finally convinced that “Jen” is not her lifelong best friend but in fact, an alien.  This epiphany is as confounding as it is distressing for Vanessa now having to accept the reality of her friend’s death for a second time.  Jen has access to all memories belonging to Vanessa friend.  Their shared experiences reveal the depth of their friendship and its irrevocable loss.  The relationship between Vanessa, her friend Jennifer and the alien, Jen, is endearing without being overly sentimental.  But, what wouldn't we all give to have some extra time to spend with a loved one who has passed.  I cannot tell a lie, unless I'm trying to be kind.  This premise of white lies, a total foreign concept for aliens, along with crying, causes the biggest conundrum and heartfelt moment in the film.  The honest truth is “I’m Totally Fine” is intelligent, entertaining and a credible sci-if comedy that trails a blazing spin around human emotions for thought provoking and delightful fun. 

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