Friday, December 2, 2022

Richard Branson Doc. is Full of Hot Air

The HBO Doc. BRANSON aired its first of four episode last night but failed to ignite sparks of awe for the adventurer, entrepreneur and founder of the Virgin group of companies.  The interviews that Richard Branson and his sister gave are so laid back as to be laughable.  Lindy Branson, gave a very relaxed interview while lying with her legs aloft a chaise.  Richard is filmed in casual attire, if not shirtless, with his trademark flowing locks and gleaming smile.  Of course, there's plenty for Richard to smile about, although a foreboding tape of Richard predicting "the only reason for seeing this tape is in the event of my death."  This clip was filmed days prior to his blast off into outer space in his Virgin Galactic rocket ship.  Spoiler alert, the launch was successful but it follows other major mogul rocket ship launches with passengers.  While Branson's successes have stemmed from risks, the doc. failed to take many.  It felt as though Branson was in control of releasing and editing to permit only flattering footage and commentary.  It's fair to say Branson is not intimidated taking financial risks.  His mantra being "You can't run a business without taking risks.  The brave may not live forever - but the cautious do not live at all."   We see his charmed lifestyle on his own idyllic island with the exotic animals he's brought there to live. A lightning bolt caused the destruction of one of the large properties where his mother and Kate Winslet were staying.  Everyone escaped without injury and there is a photo of Winslet carrying Richard's mother away from the burning building, both with large smiles.  Branson has hosted many famous people on his island including Princess Diana.  It's enjoyable seeing the rich lifestyle afforded Branson and his family.  Branson boasts joyfully of the seven years the family lived together on a small house boat while managing his many businesses.  Branson maintains he relies on instinct and giving people a lot of rope to do their jobs.  This seemed to give Branson a lot of freedom to enjoy the fruits of his others' labors.   Branson dropped out of college to get on with the life he knew he wanted realizing schooling wasn't going to help achieve.  Ironically, despite having dyslexia his first business was a start-up magazine STUDENT.  Perhaps lightning only strikes once because there were no major thunderbolts or revelations in this pleasant but tepid coverage of such a dynamic figure.  The next episodes will cover some of his daring, or even reckless risks taken with his own life.  This episode had me wondering what was hiding behind the curtain that made Branson so certain in his quests.

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