Friday, March 27, 2020

Mother Jones in Heaven - More Like Purgatory

"Mother Jones In Heaven" is an ambitious musical biopic and tribute to one of America's most omnipotent advocates for the working class.  Mother Jones (Vivian Nesbitt) comes to us from Heaven which surprisingly reminds her of a favorite Irish pub.  Accompanying Mother in heaven is John Dillon on guitar, percussions & vocal duets.  Not yet ready to meet her family in heaven (which we will learn about) Mother wants to regale us with her life, tribulations and militant advocacy for the working class.  Born in Ireland inn 1897 she moved with her family to Canada at 14 and then to the US until she died in 1930.  Mother Jones was called the most dangerous women in the US for helping  to organize unions for miners and industry laborers.  She was also annoutspoken advocate for protective child labor laws.  Jones was a mighty force contending with fighting for the poor, standing up against the rich and rallying the masses for justice.  In the production, Mother Jones first notes "Heavens not what you expected."  John D. Rockefeller is not in heaven and there are "No mistakes in Divine Judgement."  The play & musical score is written by composer Si Kahn known for his blue grass style and as a champion for the working class.  Interspersed with song and a whiskey or two, Jones is a raconteur of her arduous life during very bleak eras in our nation's history including the Civil War, the yellow fever plague (which claimed the lives of her husband & 4 children), the Great Chicago Fire and oppressive times for the poor, hardworking labor class.  The acting & and chanties were lusty.  Regrettably, the roundabout raconteur is musty and emotional impact dusty.   "Mother Jones in Heaven" is screening on U-tube though it lingers too long in purgatory.

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