Friday, December 6, 2019

LINDSEY VON: The Final Season - A Ton of Reasons to See this HBO Doc.

The Lindsey Von doc. on HBO is the ultimate, in-depth biopic that uncovers the highs, the lows and the beauty of the indefatigable  human spirit.  For those who think of Lindsey as the beautiful bombshell Olympian formerly on the arm of Tiger, this intimate, in-depth look at Lindsey's life, you've not glimpsed the forest through the woods.  This doc. captures the gold for candidly illuminating the physical & emotional demands and grueling tolls unseen by most people.  The inherent drive to becoming the greatest professional competitor in a sport that provides the ultimate adrenaline rush is not something that can be taught.  However, this majestic & courageous coverage of Lindsey comes as close as possible to empathizing & appreciating the woman behind the stunning good looks and winning smile.  There's plenty not to smile about for an athlete of Lindsey's caliber beyond calibrating the risk factors and physical injuries.  We empathize with Lindsey's self-sacrifices and the burden of acknowledging the sacrifices required of her family & support team. Lindsey is seen as a fully bared human being with a steadfast will to win who loves her sport with an insurmountable passion that's infectious.  Her entire life feels revealed; her childhood, young marriage, longtime break from her dad, loneliness on the road, numerous tears to the body and unabashed tears from her sparkling eyes.  The most potent take away from illuminating doc. is the inevitable end to an all consuming pursuit and a humble acceptance for an unfulfilled lifetime goal. Lindsey is a robust paradigm of grace & commitment.  "My body is broken beyond repair and it isn't letting me have the final season I dreamt of.  My body is screaming at me to stop and it's time for me to listen." (Nov '18)  '"The Final Season" crosses the finish line with a nascent transition into a glimmering future.          

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