Sunday, March 25, 2018

Wes Anderson's "Isle of Dogs" Is Bitching! Wes Fetches a Pack of A Listers to Voice His Characters

"Isle of Dogs" is an irresistible twist on the tale of Timmy searching for Lassie.  Well, usually Lassie is rescuing Timmy from the well and for those who don't get this 60s TV show reference, you're just a pup.  This being a Wes Anderson film means it's not your ordinary pre-teen boy searching for his beloved dog "Spot."  Anderson (b Amer 1969) is a film director, screen-writer and extraordinary auteur whose creativity keeps rising towards the moon and to infinity and beyond.  He's been honored with 3 Acad. Award nominations and an Oscar for Best Animated Feature  "Fantastic Mr. Fox" ('09).  In "Isle of Dogs" Anderson returns to stop animation.  The art direction alone is astounding and worthy of more Acad. Award nominations.  The plot may sound banal; boy in search of his lost dog who will stop at nothing and there's nothing that can destroy the bond between a dog & his "master" is anything but mundane.  Anderson's brilliant visionary film is richly layered with pressing political parody, laugh out loud humor and teary eyed emotional thrust.  Just take the shrewd subtitles for Japanese and dogs speaking English doing all sorts of neat tricks.  (You'll just have to imagine it!)   The setting is Japan in the not too distant dystopian future where a harsh dictator suppresses any who dare speak in opposition to his mandates or attempt to be a viable candidate. (Does this sound familiar? The election is a landslide and his opponent commits "suicide").   The megalomaniac ruler has his own sidekick monstrous lout.  The main agenda is deporting all dogs out to an isolated territory that is a depilated dump of darkness and doom.  Dogs have been labeled toxic vermin. Despite a sensible solution to the infectious disease the dictator runs shotgun over a compassionate resolution.  The heroes in this energetic, visually stunning film are the young and fearless who will not be repressed or brainwashed.  Civil disobedience is heralded. Enough is enough!  Except in this magnetic work of art there is no shortage of winning moments.  Scarlett Johansson voices Nutmeg, a stunning show dog.  What a dog! Bryan Cranston voices the stray alpha dog and he's no tramp!  Other stars that lend their talents to a film overflowing with wit & intelligence are Edward Norton, Bill Murray, Liev Schreiber and Frances McDormand.  The added little winks to Disney are fetching as are the quieter, tear-filled scenes. "Isle of Dogs" is destined to become a beloved classic and first in show.

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