Thursday, May 25, 2017

Wendy Whalen Doc. "Restless Creature" A Ballerina of Extraordinary Talent, Endurance and Character

"Restless Creature" is a documentary on a professional dancer's life like no other, because, Wendy Whalen, is a dancer whose talents & extraordinary career are unparalleled.  This fascinating portrait of a prima ballerina shares the dedication & glory Whelan has experienced performing for NYC Ballet; a world class company for 30 years.  What's most compelling are her candid feelings confronting life without dancing on a world stage.  The camera is up close & personal as she torments  considering life without the ability to dance.  She began ballet at 3 and devoted her life to the art form.  The realization that her dancing days would eventually end were never a reality she considered until faced with the fact her body could no longer do what was demanded.  No other ballerina in the history of NYC Ballet (NYCB) had as many works choreographed for them.  She joined the company where she danced a year for Balanchine, 10 for Robbins and the remainder of her career with Martins, artistic director for NYCB.  After dancing for almost 3 decades with NYCB, Martins began taking away her roles.  Whelan teary eyed recalled Martin's exact words, "You don't want people to see you in decline."  A shattering blow she didn't see coming.  "We were from a time when we didn't have babies.  Ballet was an all or nothing choice."  She never envisioned a future without performing.  Admittedly, a fantasy world she believed would last forever.  Her injury free career up until then was followed shortly thereafter by acute hip pain requiring surgery.  The camera follows Wendy throughout her surgery & indefatigable will to jete back to ballet.  We see her emotional & surgical scars. The emotional scars far overweigh the physical ones.  The film takes us into the beautiful world of dance & its arduous discipline.  The shared camaraderie among dancers & choreographers was enviable along with their talents.  Wendy's actual retirement from NYCB was drawn out, as is the film.  For those who are not ballet fans, you may find the film extends laboriously.  For those who love ballet, you'll find this doc. languorously made.  Either way, you'll be hard pressed to see a dancer with so much talent, tenacity, honesty and versatility.  Whelan continues to perform contemporary dance " focus on what I can do."  I think there's very little Wendy can't do when determined.  "Restless Creature" is an inspiring and intimate film of an extremely talented dancer and an incomparable woman.    

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