Sunday, September 16, 2012

The French Documentary, STEP UP TO THE PLATE

This French doc. is on the famous chef, Michel Bras, who is passing the baton onto his son Sebastian.  It runs like a slow relay race where the runner never quite places the baton into the other's hand.  While the doc. film, Jiro's Dreams of Sushi put me to sleep, Step up to the Plate did score some incredible moments that resonated for me.  Both movies focus on the elusive striving for perfection.  This French doc. displayed exquisite plates of food that were works of art, although I was mostly baffled by what was being prepared & presented.  I was pleased by the creativity and joie de vie that was passed from one generation to the next.  There was a mutual respect and deference that father & son had for each other that was heart felt.  The families also made time to enjoy one another and celebrate life outside la cuisine.  Michel, who started the acclaimed restaurant in France is reluctant to retire, "If I stop being in the kitchen or going to the markets, I'd be dead." Sebastian decides to establish a Bras restaurant in Japan and while he has taken charge, his father is there with his critical but loving comments.  If you are a "foodie" this movie is served up special for you.  However, it didn't hit it out of the park for me. For me, this film ran more like a long distance marathon.

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